What's Happening

Farm Supply Member Makes Good…

Farm Supply is proud of the Buckingham Family who were recently honored by the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District for their conservation efforts.

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Raising Chicks in Two Phases

Phase I: The Brooder
Young chicks must have a brooder for warmth and protection. Prepare the brooder by cleaning and disinfecting it before the chicks arrive.

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Keeping Dogs & Chickens

Just like the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. When you are bringing baby chicks home or adding adult birds to your backyard, the first impression is important. It’s crucial to know that a period of adjustment and acclimation is normal.

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Product Specials
Summer Fun at Farm Supply

The weather is heating up and so are deals at Farm Supply. Check out our product specials page for a full list of items on sale this month.

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